By any measure, Jesus’ final prayer carries great weight.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Seven Canadian CRCs from across the country took part in this pilot Community Opportunity Scan learning cohort.
Every week, the Christian Reformed Church’s Safe Church office receives calls from those who say they have experienced some form of abuse in their church.
Lately, the war in Ukraine is exposing the vulnerability of the earth to this simple truth.
How can we be attentive to God at work in these everyday moments?
There is something extremely comforting about being in a room—even a virtual room—with others who have shared the same struggles and found some of the same solutions.
ReFrame Ministries’ partners around the world often receive messages from people who are lonely and exhausted.
In some Christian Reformed contexts, women leaders experience less than hospitable environments and find that contributing their voice and gifts to ministry takes increased courage.
For people with disabilities, church can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. But it shouldn’t have to be.
Olga lives in a small village in Moldova. Though she had grown up in a Christian home, she had lost touch with her faith when she was a teenager.
The church, like so much else in our society, has changed as a result of COVID.
For decades, Calvin University has been working toward that vision—to become a Christian community that is shaped by the biblical vision of the kingdom of God, formed “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9-10).
Here are some ways in which these ministries have leaned into this conversation and developed training specifically geared to embracing and supporting our young people.
Through local partners, World Renew works to extend God’s justice and mercy to vulnerable communities around the world.
The letters are a form of advocacy that Christians can engage in.
I was recently reflecting on how easy it can be to lose hope in a time like this, and yet, our hope is Christ.
Burnout set in. After seven years of important but intense and sometimes draining work, Opiyo knew he needed a change.
우리는 기독교인으로서 만물을 하나님의 영광을 위해 사용하도록 부르심 받았습니다. 여기에는 우리가 과학기술을 어떻게 사용하느냐도 포함됩니다.
Every week, more than 7,000 people are praying for anonymous requests from strangers who live all around the world.
Prayer always lies at the center of the Christian life, but there are times and seasons when this centrality takes on a deeper urgency.
Families play an important role in the spiritual formation of children, said Resonate Global Mission missionary Megan Ribbens.
What does it mean to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Mic. 6:8)?
At the CRC Office of Race Relations we’re celebrating 50 years of work against racism.
야망은 현재를 보는 시각을 흐리게 하고 하나님께서 매일 베푸시는 축복을 간과하게 합니다.