Canadian Member of Parliament couriers flag to Synod 2011.
Synod 2011 recognizes the service of Ben Vandezande.
Church will wait for Calvin College report on academic freedom.
Messages came from Nigeria, the Netherlands, and the RCA.
Synod 2011 Meets new director of Home Missions.
Elder Cornelius Vander Kam, Classis Georgetown, was the most elderly delegate at this year’s synod, and elder Katie Ritsema-Roelofs was the youngest delegate.
Synod 2011 expressed appreciation for the work of Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson.
No move to make continuing education mandatory yet.
Alan Bliek drove to Michigan in his 1937 Chevy.
Committee asked to spend one more year shepherding the church in faith formation practices.
Synod 2011 decides to keep Church Order article 23 as is.
Confessions to be printed in separate volume.
Synod accepts invitation to meet at Dordt College in Sioux Center.
Rick Plantinga drummed some law and order into delegates.
Faith Formation committee provides new guide for parents, teachers, and church leaders.
Synod 2011 asks churches to refrain from rituals of infant or child dedication.
Synod 2011 adopted changes that allow baptized members at Lord’s Supper without a formal public profession of faith.
New graduates in the Reformed Church in America must comply with CRC candidacy rules.
Synod 2011 approved formal relationships with Reformed churches in both countries.
Synod 2011 decided reports adopted in 1973 and 2002 are sufficient.
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee asked to foster a balanced discussion of the Belhar Confession.
Roman Catholic churches and the CRC recognize each other’s baptisms, agree on a common certificate.
Retirement age for ministers raised to 66, churches to pay more.
An elder from Boot’s church took the floor to second the motion to ratify Boot’s appointment as the denomination’s interim executive director.