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See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Mental health has been on the minds of The Banner staff and its readers.
Steve Timmermans’ essay “Speaking with a Reformed Accent” (April 2009) proves an incentive to ponder the distinctiveness of the Reformed perspective.
Thank you so much for making Joanne De Jonge’s kids’ pages available for printing (“Just for Kids: A Baker’s Dozen,” free PDF download available at I have been meaning to request permission to copy some of the children’s pages from The Banner to share with the girls in our GEMS Club. The ones you made available are some of my favorites.
A recommendation I suggest is that synod commit to scheduling overtures and appeals on Mondays so that geographically distant synod attendees can attend without missing seven days of work (“Task Force Recommends Refinements for Annual Synods,” Feb 2019).
I just read the article “Actually, It Is a Toy,” Jan. 2019). Your picture and emotional attachment to treasures as a metaphor is so good, right on. God help us to keep transforming the Christian Reformed Church for what Jesus needs and wants to get done in our generation.
The majority of us who read The Banner are not theologians, and we so appreciate a good, down-to-earth article. Keep writing, and thanks again.
Today I received The Banner. It was filled with various articles about abuse, most of which were well done.
Thank you to Roxanne Van Farowe for her article “#ChurchToo: Lessons from Willow Creek.” I have worked independently...
I was a synodical delegate in 2016 and 2017 and a member of the subcommittee that authored the recommendations referenced by Clayton Libolt in his article...
As much as I lament the decline of the institutional church, I also lament the fact that we are still stuck in our old ways of trying to get people to church.
He wrote, “While the church is shrinking in North America, globally the church is growing.”
The most poignant and thought provoking "go-to" writings in The Banner are, for me, those of editor-in-chief Shiao Chong.
Thank you, thank you. I noticed “Punch Lines” is missing from the revamped Banner.
The Cleveland and Akron churches will always remember the ministry of Rev. Emmitt A. Harrison.
I was excited when I began to read your editorial . . .
Last Sunday morning my wife expressed some displeasure with me, and I responded defensively.
Bless your heart, preach it!