A Modest Proposal
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Weigh in on Banner articles you’ve read in print or online. All responses to Banner articles will be considered for publication unless marked Not for Publication. The Banner reserves the right to edit responses for clarity or space considerations. Here’s how to submit.
Promoting Reconciliation
Separation and Sin
Separation a Sin?
Separation a Sin?
Youth Conventions
I was disappointed to see that the traditional Youth Unlimited conventions (still “YCF” to me) are
Youth-Friendly Churches
Kudos to Rev.
O Canada
Just a reaction to Rev. Bob De Moor’s comments about “Language Matters” in the May editorial.
Climate Controversy
The April Banner reported the signing of a climate change declaration written by evangelical leaders from aro
Seldom do I read The Banner and come away greatly blessed and encouraged, but with the March 2010 issue I certainly did.
Got Religion?
It’s articles such as “Got Religion?” (January 2010) that ease my own discomfort with no longer b
Synod 2008
Thanks for the thorough and balanced coverage of synod. What a rich denomination we are part of!
We wish we’d had enough room to run the full versions (below) of these two letters in the February 2010 print Banner.
I found the visual graphic of the fist on page 7 of the January 2010 Banner both startling and unsettling.
How sad when we get caught in the commercial busyness trap of Christmas (“Sooooo Busy!” December 2009).
It seems amazing—and more than a little disheartening—to find that apparently no one has given thought to what seems like an
Prayers and Promises
Was the Reformation Necessary?
Thank you for the enlightening discussion “Was the Reformation Necessary?” (October
Thank You
Just finished the September Banner, and it was one of the best ever.
Promoting Peace
It was good to read Rev. Brian Berghoef’s “Reflection for Independence Day” (June 2009).
Mental Illness
Regarding “Light for a Dark Path” (May 2009), I have been a confessing member of First CRC, Montreal,
The Belhar
Confessions arise, as the Belhar surely has, out of the urgent need to express the gospel in very particular contexts
Failure to Create Safe Churches
“How We Fail to Create Safe Churches” (IMHO, May 2009) suggests that churches and cou
Coffee Shop Confusion
I appreciated the excellent and important article “Does Your Church Have the Right to Exist?” (