Stewardship and the Economy
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Lament Thank you for calling attention to the oft-ignored “Art of Lament” (August 2012). During times of profound loss, this authentic expression of grief
Synod 2012 Reportedly, more than a few people want the church to preach the gospel without mentioning political, economic and social issues (News, July 2012). What gospel would that be? Not the good news of Jesus. He calls his followers to relieve suffering of the poor, the foreigners, the sick and prisoners (Matt. 25). John Calvin ceaselessly points out that relief of human suffering is a Christian duty. The poor deserve charity even when they are “contemptible and worthless” or have “provoked you with injuries and insults.” Why? Because they are made in God’s image and God values them no less than he values you (Institutes, Vol. 3, vii). In recent years, governments on both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border have increased income inequality, enforced austerity on the backs of the poor, imprisoned more people for longer terms and shirked necessary earth care. Jesus says taking no notice of the marginalized earns you hell. The gospel, stripped of social justice, is not good news.
Urban Ministry
Brian Walsh’s visionary and prophetic story (“Urban Ministry: Looking for a Place to Call Home,” May 2012) offers a blueprintAffirmative Action
The most damaging effect of affirmative action (“Is Affirmative Action Biblical?” April 20
We’re sorry . .
God Multiplies
Almost every Friday evening my wife and I share a takeout lake perch dinner tha
Is Santa Real?
Regarding “Why I Believe in Santa Claus” (December 2011): We told our sons the truth from the
Science Behind Climate Change
After reading “Global Warning(s)” by Brian Martin (November 2011), I was left s
Trick or Treat?
I am writing to express my disappointment with the article concerning Halloween by Robert Evan VandePolde
Your September 2011 article “Separated” hit me like a ton of bricks!
CRC-RCA Reunion
I did miss some important substance in the reports of the “historic” joint meeting of CRC and
READ MORE True Dialogue
Thanks for your excellent editorial “True Dialogue”
Gracious Lutherans
When I saw the April Banner, I was pleased to see the Christus Rex from the chapel of Valpara
Islamic Teaching
Justice and Mercy
The two features “Illegal” and “Lopsided Mercy” (February 2011) really hit home
Thank you for your January editorial bringing light to the abortion issue ("Security for Whom?")