Understanding Islam
Thanks for printing “Understanding Islam” (September 2007).
Weigh in on Banner articles you’ve read in print or online. All responses to Banner articles will be considered for publication unless marked Not for Publication. The Banner reserves the right to edit responses for clarity or space considerations. Here’s how to submit.
Thanks for printing “Understanding Islam” (September 2007).
The article “Where did our Young Adults Go?” (August 2007) brings out a problem that m
As a confessionally committed pastor in the Christian Reformed Church, I’m grieved by Synod 2007’s action
Truly Welcome?
April Fools’!
The reference to Hezekiah 3:16-20 on page 21 of the April Banner (FAQs) is as bad as quoting Hezekiah 4:6, &l
A Modest Proposal
I moved to a new state and community within the past year, so “Choosing a Church” (February 2007) w
Communion Confusion
I was thrilled to finally see an article on the grief of miscarriage (“Losses of the Heart,”
Please convey my sincere thanks to Nathan Sneller for his beautifully honest article “Losses of the Hea
9-11 After 5
Instead of the usual “In My Humble Opinion” column on this page, you'll find many voices speaking in reaction to Synod 2
Synod 2006 and Women
Emerging Church
Thank you, Mark Brouwer, for your thoughtful and enlightening article “The Emerging Church” (June
Let’s Talk About Iraq
While I have considerable respect for both Jim Skillen and Kathy Vandergrift and their contribution
April Fool!
As much as we’d like to think that if Believers of Grace-U.S.
Death Before the Fall?
“Death Before the Fall?” (March 2006). No.
Reading the text of Creation
Editorial Standards
After reading the editorial “Glenda’s Revelation” in the February Banner, I supp
Too Extreme!
With the disgusting article “Going to the Extreme” (January 2006), The Banner has definitely
New York’s Tree of Hope
Total Depravity?
If Rev. Wayne Brouwer’s meaty “nutshell” (“Reformation: A Short History,” Oct.