I respectfully disagree with Sigmund Brouwer’s claim in his article “Evolution in the Classroom” (Feb
Weigh in on Banner articles you’ve read in print or online. All responses to Banner articles will be considered for publication unless marked Not for Publication. The Banner reserves the right to edit responses for clarity or space considerations. Here’s how to submit.
I respectfully disagree with Sigmund Brouwer’s claim in his article “Evolution in the Classroom” (Feb
Please also see “Bob’s Blog” on this site for further discussion on the Christian Reformed Church and homosexuality.
Regarding the Editorial and IMHO of the March 2009 issue (“What’s to Discuss?” and
There is much good in this article. The article also raises a few issues.
What a wonderful, informative essay was the story on John Calvin (“John Calvin, We Hardly Knew Ye,” Janu
Thank You’s
Daniel Boerman correctly points out that blessings should not be thought of as purely material (“Is Pro
A picture of Shona Paterson (left) was incorrectly identified in the October 2008 Banner with the story “Special Needs Don’t
Jason De Vries rightly urges us to rethink the Great Commission because it is a succinct description
Reforming Politics
Brian Polet in "Marxism Comes to the CRC?" (June 2008) regards statements in the Belhar Confessi
Your June 2008 article “CRC Leaders Visit Palestine” gives a glimpse of what is happening in the I
Editor’s Note:
When I saw the cover of the May Banner, I was quite excited and turned quickly to the related article “The Princ
Caring for Animals
The new Reformed body constitution (February, World News) reminds me of the signing of the United Religions Ini
To call the Harry Potter books “an excellent addition to children’s literature” because they
The Banner’s February cover story (“Blessed Are You Who Mourn”) suggests that in saying
The cover and article concerning Harry Potter (“Harry Potter and the Way of Jesus”) in the January Banne
The Banner invites letters in response to articles that have appeared in this magazine.
A Christian response to violence should involve not just undiscerning peace and mercy, but should inc
Dinner, Anyone?
Kudos to Rev. David Kromminga for his article “Being Baptized in a Violent World” (October 2007).
As the author of “The Closet of Compassion” (August 2007) says, it is risky to care about